Sitemap - 2023 - Silent but Deadly

Merry Christmas

Bell on Bell: an authorial odyssey

Brits and the long goodbye

An academic diary in the strictest sense of the term

Survivor, anthropology style

Making up is hard to do

The miracle of screen doors: A letter to the patio door supplier

LOL! FFS! BRB! On the rise and rise of acronyms

How to review a journal article

The sheer strangeness of laughter

How to deliver a paper at an anthropology conference

To hug or not to hug, that is the question

Even TV cameras can't excite geologists

The baggage we carry

Wired Autocomplete Interview

How do I love thee? A letter to Google

Til death do us fart: Farting and social relationships

Polite Canadians: digging into the stereotype

I'm friendly, you're polite: cultural differences in conceptions of politeness

Stories from the video store trenches: Part II

Stories from the video store trenches: Part I

A meditation on eyebrows

Cultural differences in complaining: 'moaning' vs 'whingeing'

Anthropological tips on how to become a thought leader on LinkedIn

Barbie and me: A love story

What I actually said about Apple product launches

'Alright' in Blighty: Culturally revealing greetings

The (il)logic of tipping

Four reasons why I probably should not have named my book 'Silent but Deadly'

The case of the missing areolae

Bell on Bell: HARDtalk

Tech is changing what it means to have a dominant hand

A typology of inconsiderate swimmers at public pools

Hygiene, swimming pools and the French obsession with budgie smugglers

The purpose of nicknames

An ode to Renesmee

What's in a name?

What snot sub-genres tell us about children's books

My accidental petition to canonise my cat

Must love dogs

The snot that we forgot: Part II

The snot that we forgot: Part I

Disney princesses and academic spam

The roots of the Tooth Fairy

The Dentist Who Hated Me

Going to the dentist bites

'Geeky bum time': A letter to The Sun

Silent but deadly: Farting across cultures