It's all rather odd. I can understand trimming - after all, going further up the body, a trimmed beard looks better than the full Ned Kelly - but complete shaving?
Particularly after having children I found complete shaving to be weird. I'm not attracted to childishness of any kind.
Beards - and the contemporary preference for clean-shaven faces - are also interesting, because they, too, are a secondary sex characteristic that appears at puberty. Still, they are a much more visible symbol than pubic hair, so it's interesting that the latter is the focus of similar preoccupations. I'm personally of the view that facial hair improves the look of any man, but am with you on the full Ned Kelly - although thousands of hipsters would presumably disagree. In fact, I shall have to add 'hipsters and the symbolism of their beards' to my long list of topics worthy of a post!
It's all rather odd. I can understand trimming - after all, going further up the body, a trimmed beard looks better than the full Ned Kelly - but complete shaving?
Particularly after having children I found complete shaving to be weird. I'm not attracted to childishness of any kind.
Beards - and the contemporary preference for clean-shaven faces - are also interesting, because they, too, are a secondary sex characteristic that appears at puberty. Still, they are a much more visible symbol than pubic hair, so it's interesting that the latter is the focus of similar preoccupations. I'm personally of the view that facial hair improves the look of any man, but am with you on the full Ned Kelly - although thousands of hipsters would presumably disagree. In fact, I shall have to add 'hipsters and the symbolism of their beards' to my long list of topics worthy of a post!